Goodman Ignition Control Circuit Board PCBBF112S

Goodman ignition control control circuit board P/N PCBBF112S

Replaces: Goodman P/N: PCBBF112, 0130F00005S, 0130F00005, White Rogers model 1165-318, 1165-83-300A   HSCI, 50A55-289

This ignition control board is used in many Goodman, Janitrol and Amana gas furnace applications. There are a few different versions of this board that are supplied by Goodman under this part number. The boards may look a little different but the terminal designations will be the same. Some of the supplied parts may have terminals in different locations. When installing the new board make sure the wire goes connects to the terminal designated with the same letter. It is easier to remove the old board leaving the wiring connected. Mount the new board and move the molex connector to the new board. Then move each wire one at a time being sure they connect to the same terminal designation

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OEM Goodman parts

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  • Model: 0130F00005S
  • 28000 Units in Stock
  • Manufactured by: Goodman
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