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Welcome to Shortys Pumps, division of Shortys HVAC Supplies. We are a National Distributor of Armstrong Pump and Armstrong Pump repair parts. If you need assistance with pump repair parts or complete pump assemblies please contact us. Most pumps are custom built so it is critical to provide as much information as possible from the pump nameplate.
We also are a stocking distributor of Modine heating parts. Contact us for all of your repair needs. We will be happy to help identify the correct parts required for your application.
We can be reached at our local phone number 317-821-8770, Toll Free 877-821-8770 or by fax at 317-821-8772. Our physical store address is 7720 S Mooresville Rd in West Newton , IN 46183. Business hours are 8-5 EST M-F. We can also be contacted via email using our contact us link
Prior to making repairs please consult your manufacturers instructions and follow all safety precautions. Improper repairs can lead to equipment damage or personal injury or death. If you are unsure of your ability please call a professional company.
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